Miriam Younes is a researcher in sociology and political science with a focus on the history and politics of Lebanon, Iraq and Iran. She has previously worked as a research assistant at the German-Orient Institut in Beirut, and as a research associate at the Middle Eastern Studies Department at the University of Basel/Switzerland.

She has previously worked as a research coordinator at Lebanon Support and the director of the regional office of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung in Beirut. 

Miriam is the author of "Die Revolution des 17. Oktobers: Ursachen, Verlauf und Ziele der Massenproteste im Libanon" ("The Revolution of October 17th: Causes, course and objectives of the mass protests in Lebanon") published by Unrast-Publications in 2021.
She is currently the research and project coordinator at "The Centre for Social Sciences Research & Action".
She holds an MA in Middle Eastern Studies, Political Science and Sociology from the University of Freiburg/Germany.

Email: myounes[at]socialsciences[dash]centre[dot]org

Research and Projects Coordinator
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