Léa Yammine is the co-director of the centre. She joined the centre in 2013, and has established and led the interpretation of the centre’s scientific research, programmes, and activities into various formats, from an interdisciplinary perspective. As a co-director, in addition to managing the centre and providing strategic leadership, she focuses on overseeing a multidisciplinary team of designers, data analysts, and digital creators to develop innovative ways to visualise and disseminate the centre’s data, in line with its mission to make knowledge openly accessible. 

As a creative, she has been in the publishing world for over 15 years, and was involved at various stages of the publication process. She provided creative direction, and management and strategic input in several organisations.

Léa holds a BA in Graphic Design from the American University of Beirut, and an MA in Culture, Creativity & Entrepreneurship from the University of Leeds, UK.

E-mail: lea[at]socialsciences[dash]centre[dot]org

Find her on Twitter: @lea_yam


Recent publications authored by Léa include:

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, Léa Yammine. “Understanding the social protection needs of civil society workers in Lebanon. Towards strengthening social rights and security for all.” Lebanon Support. 2019. Available on: https://civilsociety-centre.org/resource/understanding-social-protection...

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, Léa Yammine. “ ‘Out With The Old, In With The New?’ A Portrait of A Torn Generation in The Making.” Generation What. 2019. Available on: https://civilsociety-centre.org/resource/%E2%80%9Cout-old-new%E2%80%9D-p...

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, Amreesha Jagarnathsingh, Léa Yammine. “Civil Society in Lebanon: The Implementation Trap.” Lebanon Support. 2018. Available on: http://civicspace.annd.org/countries.php (in Arabic); https://civilsociety-centre.org/paper/civil-society-lebanon-implementati... (in English)

- Léa Yammine. “On Mixed Identities, Racism, and Activism in Lebanon; A Discussion with Nisreen Kaj.” In Civil Society Review issue 2, eds. Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, Léa Yammine, Mariam Younes, p.72-79. Beirut: Lebanon Support. 2016. Available on: https://civilsociety-centre.org/paper/mixed-identities-racism-and-activi...

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, Léa Yammine, Mariam Younes (eds). “Lebanese, refugee, and migrant women in Lebanon: From sociopolitical marginality to turnaround strategies,” Civil Society Review, issue 2. Beirut: Lebanon Support. 2016. Available on: https://civilsociety-centre.org/resource/civil-society-review-issue-2-le...

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, Bassem Chit, Léa Yammine (eds).“Revisiting Inequalities in Lebanon: the case of the “Syrian refugee crisis” and gender dynamics,” Civil Society Review, issue 1. Beirut: Lebanon Support. 2015. Available on: https://civilsociety-centre.org/resource/civil-society-review-issue-1-re...

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