Dr. AbiYaghi is the co-director of the centre. She joined the centre in 2014, and has initiated and institutionalized the research axis of the centre, maintaining synergies between the academic and the practitioner fields. As a co-director, in addition to managing the centre and providing strategic leadership, she ensures the scientific rigor of the contextualised research produced by a multidisciplinary team of scholars, while facilitating the insertion of homegrown research within global theoretical debates and fora. 

She has previously worked in academia (as a senior researcher at the Centre for Lebanese Studies, University of Oxford, and as a political science lecturer at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik and the Saint-Joseph University in Beirut), as well as in international organisations. 
As a scholar, she specialises in the sociology of political processes, contentious politics, and the social question in the MENA.  

Marie-Noëlle holds a PhD in Political Science from the Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, France. 

E-mail: mabiyaghi[at]socialsciences[dash]centre[dot]org

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8558-6722

Find her on Twitter on: @mnabiyaghi 

To be published in 2019:

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, S’engager « autrement » au Liban. Mobilisations et militantismes alternatifs dans les années 2000.

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi. Chiara Erminia Calabrese (coord), « Liban, Syrie : circulations et réactivations de réseaux militants en temps de guerre », Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée.

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi. Miriam Younes, “On the move in times of war and exile: Engagement, continuities, and caesura in the itineraries of Syrian activists”, in, AbiYaghi and Calabrese, Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée.

- Virginie Troit, Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, Transition humanitaire et réflexions éthiques au Liban, Karthala, collection Devenir Humanitaire, Tome IV.

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, Léa Yammine, ““Out with the old, in with the new”? A portrait of a torn generation in the making”, Generation What, European Commission.


- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi (ed.), Gender Dictionary. Travelling concepts and local usages in Lebanon, Lebanon Support, 2016.

Published edited volumes:

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, Risha Jagarnathsingh (eds), “Unraveling ‘Civil Society:’ Policy, Dependency Networks, and Tamed Discontent. Reflections from Lebanon and Palestine,” The Civil Society Review, The Civil Society Knowledge Center, Lebanon Support, Issue 3, 2018.

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi (ed), “Lebanese, refugee and migrant women in Lebanon: from sociopolitical marginality to turnaround strategies”, The Civil Society Review, The Civil Society Knowledge Center, Lebanon Support, Issue 2, 2016.

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, Bassem Chit and Léa Yammine (eds), “Revisiting Inequalities in Lebanon. The case of the ‘Syrian refugee crisis’ and gender dynamics”, The Civil Society Review, The Civil Society Knowledge Center, Lebanon Support, Issue 1, 2015.

Published scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals and scientific book chapters:

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, Myriam Catusse, Miriam Younes, "From isqat an-nizam at-ta’ifi to the Garbage Crisis Movement: Political Identities and Antisectarian Movements", in Rosita di Peri, Daniel Meier (eds.), Lebanon facing the Arab Uprisings. Constraints and Adaptation, Palgrave 2017.

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, « Militer par “projets”. Fragmentation et reproduction de l’espace contestataire féministe au Liban», in "Féminismes dans les pays arabes", Nouvelles Questions Féministes, Vol.35, n°2, Octobre 2016.

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, Myriam Catusse, « Liban : le mouvement « pour la chute du système confessionnel » et ses limites.», in Michel Camau, Frédéric Vairel, Soulèvements populaires et recompositions politiques dans le Monde arabe, Editions des Presses Universitaires de Montréal, 2014.

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, “Civil Mobilization and Peace in Lebanon”, in. Elisabeth Picard, Alexander Ramsbotham, Reconciliation, reform and resilience. Positive Peace for Lebanon, Accord Publications, Issue 24, London, July 2012. http://www.c-r.org/sites/c-r.org/files/Accord24_Lebanon_ENG.pdf.

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, Elisabeth Longuenesse, “Temps de travail et temps social : Le cas des employés de banque et des chauffeurs de taxi”, in. « Temps et temporalités du monde arabe (XIXe-XXIe siècles) » Temporalités, n° 15, juin 2012. http://temporalites.revues.org/1982.

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, Greg Albo, Kako Nubukpo, Rhina Roux, Son Youg Woo, « Crises alimentaires et économiques en Amérique, en Afrique, au Moyen-Orient et en Asie : entre luttes et résignation », in « Crises, Révoltes, Résignations », Actuel Marx, no 47, 2010.

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, Myriam Catusse, « Non à l’Etat holding, oui à l’Etat providence ». Logiques et contraintes des mobilisations sociales dans le Liban de l’après-guerre», in « Protestations sociales, révolutions civiles. Transformation du politique dans la Méditerranée arabe », Revue Tiers Monde, hors série mai 2011.

- « Et pourtant ils votent ! Entre Contestation et Participation : la participation de la gauche antisystème aux élections de juin 2009 », in Catusse M., Karam K. et Lamloum O. (ed.) in Métamorphoses des figures du leadership au Liban. Champs et contrechamps des élections législatives de 2009 au Liban, Beyrouth, Presses de l’IFPO, 2011.

Published articles in non-peer reviewed journals and expertise reports:

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, Léa Yammine, Risha Jagarnathsingh, “Civil Society in Lebanon; the Implementation Trap”, The Arab NGO Network for Development, 2018.

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, Risha Jagarnathsingh, “"A Shoulder to Lean On.” Towards Rights-Based Interventions and Policies for Syrian Refugees in Lebanon”, The Civil Society Knowledge Center, Lebanon Support, 2016.

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, Risha Jagarnathsingh, “Access to Healthcare for Syrian Refugees. The Impact of Fragmented Service Provision on Syrians’ Daily Lives”, The Civil Society Knowledge Center, Lebanon Support, 2016.

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, Risha Jagarnathsingh, “Syrian Refugees' Livelihoods. The Impact of Progressively Constrained Legislations and Increased Informality on Syrians’ Daily Lives”, The Civil Society Knowledge Center, Lebanon Support, 2016.

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, Miriam Younes, and Risha Jagarnathsingh, “Formal Informality, Brokering Mechanisms, and Illegality. The Impact of the Lebanese State’s Policies on Syrian Refugees’ Daily Lives”, The Civil Society Knowledge Center, Lebanon Support, July 2016.

- Estella Carpi, Miriam Younes, Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, “Crisis and Control. (In)Formal Security in Lebanon”, The Civil Society Knowledge Center, Lebanon Support, July 2016.

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, “Social Protection in Lebanon between charity and politics”, in: Arab Watch 2014, Arab NGO Network for Development, December 2014.

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, “Report on Disability Good Practices in Lebanon: accessibility, employment and education”, Handicap International, May 2014.

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, “Disability National report on Lebanon”, Handicap International, Middle East Regional Office, Musawa Project, September 2011.

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, “Disability National report on Jordan”, Handicap International, Middle East Regional Office, Musawa Project, September 2011.

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi« Les femmes et le droit au Liban. Questionnements à partir du concept de nationalité », Les carnets de l’Ifpo, La recherche en train de se faire à l’Institut Français du Proche Orient (hypothèses.org), 2011.

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, « Liban : clivées et instrumentalisées, les résistances peinent à se développer ”, in Alternative Sud, «Etat des résistances dans le Sud - Monde arabe”, éd. CETRI/Syllepse, 2010.

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi (ed), “Access to Employment for Persons with Disabilities in the Middle East”, unpublished report for the Disability Monitor Initiative- Middle East Journal, 2010.

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi (ed), “All Equal- All Different; Ensuring Access to Education for Persons with a Disability in the Middle East”, 2nd issue of the Disability Monitor Initiative- Middle East Journal, May 2009.

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi (ed), “Social Protection and Persons with a Disability in the Middle East: Issues, Challenges and Debates”; 1st issue of the Disability Monitor Initiative Journal- Middle East, February 2009.

- Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi and Muhannad al-Azzeh (eds), “A view from the Middle East on the Entry to Force of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with a Disability”; Disability Monitor Initiative Middle East launch publication, August 2008.

- Blandine Destremeau, Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi, “Workers’ security and rights in the Arab region”, in Gender, Employment, and the Informal Economy in Arab States: A regional overview, Beirut, ILO, 2007.

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