Maissam Nimer is a sociologist working in the fields of migration, education, language, and social and gender inequalities. She is currently involved in a project called Memovives, which seeks to examine the way in which intellectual production is transformed by exile. This project is carried out as part of the Labex les passés dans le futur, at Paris Nanterre University. She has carried out work at Koç University, Istanbul, dealing with the experiences of Syrian refugee youth in Turkey. As a Mercator IPC fellow at Sabanci University and recipient of a one-year Koç University Seed Grant, she further explored language learning among Syrian refugees in Turkey. Her doctoral dissertation at Paris Saclay University (PhD obtained in July 2016) looked at inequalities of access to higher education and mechanisms of action of an internationally funded development program in Lebanon. Her work has been published in international and regional academic journals including Gender and Education, Critical Sociology, Migration Studies, Third World Quarterly, Sociological Research Online, International Studies in Sociology of Education, Multilingua and New Perspectives on Turkey. She obtained her MSc from the London School of Economics and BS from the American University of Beirut.




Recent publication authored by Maissam include:

- "Prior identities and responses to habitus mismatch among scholarship students in a private elite university" (under review by British Journal of Sociology of Education).

- "Gendered family practices and emergence of dispositions 'to resist' in an elite university in Lebanon" (under review by Gender and Education).

- "Developing human capital or encouraging emigration? Case study of an international development program in Lebanon," in forthcoming, Cambridge Scholar Publishing.

- "Lutte contre les inégalités d’accès à l’enseignement supérieur au Liban : étude d’un programme de bourses," in Réussite scolaire, réussite professionnelle, l’apport des données longitudinales, XXIes journées d’étude sur les données longitudinales dans l’analyse du marché du travail, Dijon, Relief 48 Echanges du Céreq, 2014

- "La méritocratie néolibérale contre l’égalité sociale? Analyse d’un dispositif de développement destine aux étudiants libanais", Civil Society Review, Lebanon Support, 2014.

- "Liban: 'misère' de l’école publique", Les Carnets de l’Ifpo. La recherche en train de se faire à l’Institut Français du Proche-Orient (, 2013.
